Monday, 24 April 2017


1. Focus
We have to slow down and focus on one thing at a time.
There’s so much power in focusing our attention on 1 thing whether it’s writing a book, launching a product or course, or losing weight.
Our brains aren’t designed to multi-focus and the more focus we give to one thing at a time, the quicker and easier we’ll achieve it, celebrate and move onto the next.
2. Faith
In order to reach any goal we must believe we can. We have to have faith in ourselves and the universe that it’s absolutely possible for us to be, do or have.
If you struggle with believing something’s possible for you, take a cue from Muhammad Ali, the greatest heavyweight-boxing champion in history, and use affirmations to create the life you want.
3. Take Action
Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry famously said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
For each thing we want to accomplish we must create a plan and take inspired action.
This is where most of us fail to reach a goal. We love thinking about it, but we’re either too afraid to take action, we don’t know which action to take or we take action but it’s not the right action.
This is something I’ve done so much work on and where I’ve seen the greatest impact in my business and life. And the work doesn’t stop. Yesterday, I enrolled in my friend Todd’s 90-Day Year program to help me overcome procrastination and distraction, and take daily action with more confidence and clarity. (Which I really need!)
(BTW – If you’d like to join me in taking the course, I’ll be hosting live calls throughout the 90 days so we can all connect, support one another and share wins. We’ll also do a live meet-up in April in San Diego at the 90-Day Year event. Click here to join me in the program.)
Most likely, we’ll never get it “all” done. There will always be something on our to-do list or a goal we still long to achieve. But, the things that are truly important deserve our best shot which means being focused, having faith and taking action!

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